Snow, Pierced Ears, and Wrecked Cars

1:26 PM

Hey everyone! I haven't been writing much in the past couple of weeks because...well...not much has been going on. It's been quite peaceful around here and I'm not complaining! After Christmas quickly came and went, we got all of the decorations put away, Izzy started back to school after a nice long break, and the routine was back in full swing. And of course, after Izzy went back to school, she brought home the crud (yes..again!) and shared it with her brothers. I seriously feel like all I ever talk about are my kids being sick. But on the up side, they are all on the way to being fully better and this mama is happy for that.

We had our first snow of the season a couple of days ago. It wasn't much, just a dusting, but it was enough for Izzy to go play in. She was thrilled! I watched from the window (way too cold for me). She really enjoyed herself. She also decided about a week ago that she was ready to get her ears pierced. I've been asking her for a few months now if she wanted them because she is always admiring my earrings. I was her age when I had mine done and I felt she was old enough to make that decision. She always replied with a "No way!" and looked at me like I was a crazy lady. But out of nowhere she came up to me and said she was ready. We took her to the mall and had them done this past Saturday. She cried a little but was really brave and made me so proud. She looks so grown up now and she loves them. Her daddy and I promised to take her and her brothers to Chuck E. Cheese afterwards if she was good. It was packed and I beat myself up for making that promise, but we held true to our word and took her. It actually ended up being a fun time. The boys are finally at that age now where they can ride some of the little rides and they had a great time too. It wore them all out and it was an early bed time for everyone. The next day was when the snow came, I made a big pot of homemade chili and we all stayed in. I really enjoyed the weekend!

Monday came and it was back to work for my husband. He kissed me bye and left. Several minutes later I hear big boots clomping through the bedroom and I seriously thought I was being robbed (in my nightgown!). I jumped up from under the covers and it was my husband telling me I needed to get up. Freaked out, I got up and turned the lamp on and he informs me he's just wrecked the car. I was startled, trying to wake up, and confused. I asked if he was okay and then got the details. It really wasn't bad. He slid on some ice and landed in a ditch, bumped his head and broke the windshield (I always knew he was hard-headed ;). After getting it to the shop we found out it has some significant damage underneath where it hit some big jagged rocks. It will be out of commission for a while, but such is life! I'm just glad he's okay and feel blessed we have a second vehicle!

This too shall pass.

And ya'll...I totally fell off the 21 Day Fix wagon during the holidays, but I am jumping back on and will be updating you guys on that in a few days!

I hope you are all well and happy. I am so glad to be back to my blog and I will be writing again soon. Be blessed everyone :)

Hugs and Love,

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