One Year Pictures

2:56 PM

My twins are actually 15 months old, but hey, it's the thought and effort that counts right?! I've been trying to find the time to take their pictures since a little bit before Lucas and Zachary turned one, but with all the illness and busyness that's been going on in the family, it's been postponed a few times. But....I FINALLY did it!! The boys weren't very into it, they were just all over the room wanting to play. I did, however, get several good shots that were just too cute not to share. I will post some of them below. I hope you like them as much as I do!

Gah! I love them so.
Baby Raccoon, Baby Monkey :)
Lucas knows to get anything he wants, all he has to do is give Mama this look!
And the same goes for Zachary when he gives me this look!

My Santa Babies

I hope you are all enjoying this holiday season. We just had a 75 degree day in mid December, which was very odd, but I'm not complaining! Annnnd....I finally got around to doing some Christmas shopping and finished a lot of it! Only have a couple more people to buy for. I am so excited to give them out! Anyway, I will be writing another blog post soon and will include pictures of our Christmas festivities. I hope you are all well and I'll chat soon.

Hugs and Love,

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