Viral Infections and Rashes?!?
1:08 PMIt seems as though every day during the week that my husband has off is filled with errands and being busy in general. There is always something to do and things to get done right? Especially here close to the holidays. But who am I kidding? I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet.
I'm kind of a procrastinator.
But in the midst of the busy lifestyle that we have, my baby Zachary cut 4 molars and was just not acting like himself. He is probably the most laid back child there ever was. Even when he isn't feeling well, he isn't fussy or whiny, just very lethargic and has loss of appetite. Zach will normally eat anything you put in front of him, so when he shakes his head no and pushes sweets a
way, you know something is definitely wrong.
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Not feeling well :( |
At first it looked like his eczema had flared up. There were just some little rough bumps on his forehead. I bathed him in his mild soap and slathered him in his eczema cream thinking by morning it would be gone. But a few days went by and it was HORRIBLE. Red, raised bumps all over his face and body. I knew this wasn't just eczema. I got really worried. I was putting him to bed a couple of nights ago and told my husband if the rash hadn't improved by morning, I was calling the pediatrician. He agreed this was a good idea and we went to bed.
Yesterday morning, I went in their nursery and checked him out. The rash had worsened and I immediately called to make him an appointment. Our pediatrician is amazing, but their phone system is ancient and it's pretty much impossible to get a human to speak to, so my amazing husband jumped in the car and drove there to make an appointment. We got the last one of the day and I was thankful he got in.
We ran a few errands then headed to the doctor. After an hour wait we were finally called back and the doctor came in. He looked him over and said it was a viral rash. Zach had some kind of virus and this rash was a side effect of it. I remember my daughter had the same thing when she was a baby, but she had a severe fever and had acted much more sick than Zachary had. Plus, his rash was much worse than hers. But that's what this was, a viral rash. And there's nothing you can do about it. Let it run it's course and in 1-2 weeks, it goes away. I had been Googling baby rashes for about a week and nothing ever came up on this topic. So, hopefully this blog post may help some other mama experiencing the same thing.
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Poor Baby! |
And on a side note, I am also thankful for my blog! It's such a wonderful place to document memories, but also to vent and get things off your mind. I suggest everyone to make one. It's a diary that you don't have to hand write. And hopefully it may be helpful to someone. So much benefit!
I hope this finds you all well and happy. Please come back again to read about my roller coaster, yet blessed life!